Thank you so much for being members of Guardian Angels, for supporting her with your financial contributions, participating in parish activities, and being involved in ministry. I am writing you today for two reasons: first, to wish you a most happy Christmas and, second, to request your help.
Christmas is our celebration of God’s love in sending his Son Jesus to dwell among us. Christ restored what mankind lost through the sin of Adam and Eve, our first parents. By his life, death, and Resurrection, He gave us the chance to be with him eternally in heaven, along with the company of the saints, fulfilling the Father’s original plan.
Christmas is about the harmonious Peace between our God and ourselves. I sincerely wish you that Peace as you gather with your loved ones to rejoice at the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As we enter the New Year, allow me to make an appeal for the well-being of our parish. For years, I only stood behind the pulpit to ask you to support the Annual Catholic Appeal and other collections that mostly benefited others. This time, I come to you with a request for the good of our faith community.
We are all experiencing financial difficulties with the increase in price of just about everything we need to buy. Our parish is no exception. For years, many parishioners have not increased their financial offering. Our parish is now facing a deficit at the end of this fiscal year. With the advice and support of the finance council of our parish, I hereby appeal to your generosity to help Guardian Angels to fulfill her mission: to provide the sacraments, evangelization, and spiritual services from which all will benefit.
You can respond to this appeal in either of two ways: by making a one-time generous Christmas donation, or by increasing your weekly or monthly contribution by 10% of the current amount you now give. Your love offering will transform many lives in our parish. I pray that you will come forward and help.
Let us celebrate the birth of our Lord together this Christmas. May Peace be yours during this festive season and throughout the coming new year.
Yours in Christ’s ministry,
Father André