Sunday Mass
Saturday (Vigil): 5:00pm
7:00 am, 8:30am & 10:00am
Or by appointment
Daily Mass
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:00am
Rosary After in Holy Family Chapel
First Friday Mass:
8:00am (Mass with Devotion to the Sacred Heart with Holy Hour)
Liturgy of the Word With Children: . Liturgy of the Word With Children is offered at the 10am Mass on Sunday mornings. We welcome children ages 5-12 years (no under 4’s please). There is no sign up. Adults who want to know more about this service for children are invited to participate with the children as adult leaders.
Catholic Sunday TV Mass for Homebound: Heart of the Nation’s Sunday TV Mass is available through Cox Communications Channel 13 at 9:30am. or Channel 49 (XDTV) or check for more information.
Traveling? Use this link to find churches near your destination:
Holy Days

Upcoming Holy Days:
Tuesday, December 24 (Christmas Eve): Masses at 5pm, 7pm & 10pm
Wednesday, December 25: (Christmas Day): Masses at 8:30am & 10am
Wednesday, January 1: Feast of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. Mass at 8am
Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday. Masses at 8am, 5pm & 7:00pm
Sunday, April 13: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. Masses at 7, 8:30 & 10am (Vigil Mass 5pm on Saturday, April 12)
Thursday, April 17: Holy Thursday. Mass at 7pm
Friday, April 18: Good Friday.
Stations of the Cross at 11am, Good Friday Service at 3pm
Saturday, April 19: Holy Saturday. Mass at 8pm
Sunday, April 20: Easter Sunday. Masses at 7, 8:30 & 10am