Contact Information
Director of Faith Formation
Tammy Mansir
619-596-3282 (office #) 619-851-5428 (cell #)
We offer a variety of programs for adults to enrich their faith life, including Advent and Lenten studies.
Parishioners Praying Together
Join fellow parishioners in a virtual prayer community over ZOOM. Groups gather Monday-Sunday at 3PM for the Divine Mercy Chaplet and everyday at 6:30PM for a night Rosary!
Spanish Prayer groups are available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:45PM for Divina Miscericordia and 7:15PM for Rosario.
Please contact Clara Lizarraga ( or Debbie Engaldo ( for the ZOOM Link.

Women’s Bible Study Walking With Purpose
Come as you are. You are welcome here. Make authentic connections with other women. Refuel and refresh. Learn more about God.
Ordering Your Priorities is an 8-week Bible study that is an immensely practical Bible study that will help you discover and prioritize what matters most in life.
Click HERE to register today!

For your convenience, you can choose from two different time options.
Thursday mornings at 10:00-11:30 AM or Thursday evenings at 6:30-8:00 PM beginning April 3, 2025, in the Cunnane Parish Center.
Please contact Janine Kruzel at or (619) 885-1947 for details.
Many adults enjoy study/meditation at their own pace, so we have a library of good spiritual books available in the Conference Room. The room is accessible on Sunday mornings following Mass from inside the Cunnane Parish Center, just enter the first door on your left down the hallway by the stage.
Mom’s Ministry

Motherhood is a hard vocation. Let’s support one another through this season by creating our own village at Guardian Angels!
Please join us for weekly fellowship on Tuesdays, 9:30 – 11am in the Cunnane Parish Center in Rooms 3 & 4. All are welcomed no matter where you are in your faith journey.
Come at any time during 9:30-11 am. There will be play time for the children so they can socialize. For more information please contact Danica at (951) 858-6568 via text/call or Tammy at (619) 596-3282.